普通股 Ordinary shares are shares in a company that are owned by people who have a right to vote at the company's meetings and to receive part of the company's profits after the holders of preference shares have been paid.
ING can also convert them into ordinary shares in three years, but that would give the Netherlands the right to ask for the10 billion euros back. 荷兰国际集团还可以在3年内将其转换为普通股,但这样的话,荷兰政府将有权索回100亿欧元。
Having many ordinary people owning shares, he writes in his memoirs, was the point. The prime motives for privatisation were not Exchequer gain, he declares, but an ideological belief in free markets and a wider distribution of private ownership of property. 看到很多普通民众拥有了股票,他在回忆录中写道,关键问题是私有化的基本目的并不是充实国库,他宣称而是要实现自由市场理想论以及私有财产能够被更广泛的分配。
The bonds are convertible into ordinary shares. 债券可兑换为普通股。
The ordinary shares will be issued at 1p. 普通股将以每股1便士的价格发行。
Shares in general refer to the ordinary shares issued by the company, and they represent the ownership of a part of a company. 股票一般是指公司所发行的普通股,它代表了股东对公司的拥有权。
He invested his exiguous savings in ordinary shares. 他用自己数额甚微的存款购买了普通股票。
Shares represent part-ownership in a company. They can be ordinary shares, preference shares or partly-paid ( contributing) shares. 股份代表对公司的部分拥有权,分为普通股、优先股、未完全兑付的股权。
Equities are the common synonym for ordinary shares. 无固定利息的股票是普通股的同义词。
Ordinary shares with special voting rights 有特殊表决权的普通股
There are no potential dilutive ordinary shares, and the diluted earnings per share are equal to the basic earnings. 本公司不存在稀释性潜在普通股,稀释每股收益等于基本每股收益。
In ordinary living, and in his work, the contributor shares in the life of his society, which often affects both in minor ways and in ways sometimes so deep that he is not even aware of them. 在普通生活中,个人的工作中,贡献人与其所在社会息息相关,这通常会以细微的方式影响双方,而有时候影响的方式可以达到本人甚至也意识不到的程度。
It's called Origo Partners and has just announced a fundraising through the placing of new ordinary shares that will aim to raise$ 30m ( 20.7m) to put into well advanced investment opportunities. 这只名为OrigoPartners的基金刚刚宣布,将通过配售新的普通股来筹集资金,目标是筹资3000万美元,投入进展良好的投资机会。
The shares are usually of two kinds: preference shares and ordinary shares. 股票通常有两类:优先股和普通股。
Under the draft bill being considered today the preferred shares would be convertible into ordinary shares in 10 years should the bank be unable to pay back the bond when it matures in 2019. 根据将于今日商讨的草案,如果在2019年债券到期时,银行无法偿还债务,优先股将在10年内转化为普通股。
It should be noted that the value of assets invested in warrants is subject to greater fluctuations, warrants being most volatile than ordinary shares. 请注意由于认股权证之格价起伏大于普通股份,投资于认股权证之资产价值或会遇到较大之波动。
The diluted potential ordinary shares issued in the current period shall be supposed to be converted on the date of issuance. 当期发行的稀释性潜在普通股,应当假设在发行日转换。
Accelerated trackers are listed on the London stock market and are dealt just like ordinary shares through a stockbroker, although with the advantage that no stamp duty is payable when buying. 加速追踪产品在伦敦证券市场挂牌交易,可以像普通股票一样委托股票经纪人买卖,并具有无须缴纳印花税的优点。
Sina said it would issue 47m new ordinary shares to Focus Media shareholders. 新浪表示,将向分众传媒股东增发4700万普通股。
The thousands of ordinary Chinese who are signing up each day to trade shares are not too concerned about the conventional ways of valuing a stock, but they need to know the difference between a ghost and a black horse. 现在,每天都有成千上万名的普通中国人开设证券交易帐户。这些人不太关心传统的股票估值方法,但他们需要知道妖股和黑马的区别。
Prudential said it would not offer any new ordinary shares in Hong Kong. 保诚表示,将不会在香港发行任何新的普通股。
The Crime Of Insurance Fraud is derived from the ordinary crimes of fraud, which shares some common features with the latter while the former bears characteristics of its own. 保险诈骗罪是从普通诈骗罪中分立出来的新型经济犯罪,它保留了普通诈骗犯罪的一些共同特征,又表现出其自身的特点。
So shareholder's value means the ordinary shares 'value owned by the shareholders. 所谓股东价值是指企业股东所拥有的普通股权益的价值。
The shares of listed companies are divided into state shares, legal person shares, ordinary shares which can only circulation. 上市公司的股权人为的划分为国家股、法人股、普通股,其中只有普通股可以流通。
A Mode of Value of Ordinary Shares 普通股的价值模式探索
The mediating effect is most obvious in the value of director shareholdings, debt ratio, sales tax rate and the ordinary shares of profitability, vendor and supplier have a part of the intermediary role, the mediation of enterprise workers is very small. 其中中介效应最明显的指标是董事持股价值、资产负债率,营业税金率和普通股获利能力,销售商、供应商有部分的中介作用,企业职工中介作用很小几乎没有。
China A-shares and H-shares are both ordinary shares issued by Chinese domestic companies, but with different prices all the time. A股和H股都是由中国境内注册公司发行的普通股股票,却一直处于同股不同价的分割状态。
Stock repurchase is that listed company refers to the use of its own funds or debt, etc., buy-back the ordinary shares for treasury or cancelling. 股票回购是指上市公司利用自有资金或者债务等方式,在股票市场上购回发行在外的普通股注销或者库藏的一种行为。